Monday, June 16, 2008


We have been exploring Egypt. First we went to the temple of Karnac. The temple was built for the head god named Amun-Re. The temple was built high by making ramps up the wall to place the stone bricks on the top. The whole temple is has hieroglyphics on it. After that we went to the valley of the kings. There are 62 tombs in the whole place. Inside the tombs you can see many hieroglyphics that are in there original color. In one tomb there was stick figures drawn black. In another tomb
you got to see the king Tutankamon dead mummified body. He was as big as me when he died. These tombs are dug under ground. After that we went to the hotel for the night and swam at the hotel and left for the for the museum the next day. At the museum you could see all of king tuts things. There was gold treasures and bottles which used to be filled with essence(essence is what they call perfume). There were board games but they did not have dice so they used sticks that were flat. The sticks
had colors on both, black and white. The Egyptians also had ink and paper. We went to a store that showed us how to make there paper which is called papyrus paper. The ink was made out of soot from fires. At the museum we also saw jewelry and weapons and even his gold mask. I hope you liked this email if you have any questions or want to know more about anything email me.


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